Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Place value

We have been practicing reading, interpreting and ordering numbers. Today one group made 3 digit numbers with MAB on a baseboard. Then we ordered the numbers from smallest to largest.

Cooking Anzac biscuits

We loved making ANZAC biscuits! Some of them got burnt on the bottom, luckily Mrs V class made some extras for us. They were so delicious! I really enjoyed cooking.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome back- Term 2

Welcome to term 2. I hope the children had a great holiday break and are rested and ready to start this term's work. There has been a change to our timetable Music and Italian are on a Tuesday afternoon, and on Friday at 2:30 the children will have Phys Ed with Mr Kendall.

Spelling homework has begun. The children are encouraged to practise these words at home. The words will incorporate both THRASS and M100 words, these words will be tested every Friday. The children will bring home their spelling book on a Monday and return the book on Friday.

We have recently finished a unit of work in Numeracy on Time focusing on O'clock and half past. The children really enjoyed making their own analogue clock. We will continue to revisit this during the year.

Looking forward to seeing you all tommorow night at parent fest.

